
部分: cadm - 304
批准人:博士. 伊凡·哈雷尔,12/10/20
修改前: n/a



This policy is intended to provide guidance regarding the use of official TCC (referred as the College) social media 账户 that are operated by members of the College.

The College owns any social media 账户 and content associated with the College (不包括共享内容). 根据学院推进副校长的指示, the Marketing and Communications Department (referred as 这个部门) manages and 负责管理全校所有官方社交媒体账号. 这个部门有这个权力 如果用户这样做,采取行动并遵循规定的流程 不遵守本政策的指导方针和使用条款.


Tacoma Community College encourages the use of social media to connect and inform our audiences and to build a thriving environment where our audiences can freely share 相互之间的信息. 社交媒体网站是强大而重要的工具 to share information and spur discussions about TCC events, accolades, issues and people; and it is an important platform to enforce our stance for equity, diversity 包容和澳门威尼斯人在线赌场学院的使命、愿景和价值观. 有道德的,专业的, legal, personnel and interpersonal risks associated with the use of TCC’s social media 账户. 本政策的范围旨在概述这些风险并提供指导方针 为了适当地使用社交媒体. 所有用户都应该坚持每个社交 媒体平台自己的服务条款. 所有TCC政策,以及州和联邦政策 法律适用于网络活动.


This policy applies to all employees including faculty, staff, students, and volunteers.


可接受用途政策组. 第四adsv - 500
职业道德守则-第二章. 第四adsv - 402 p
学生行为准则- WAC第132V-121章
最小值- RCW.42.52 160 (3); WAC 292-110-010 (3)
资讯科技保安政策组. Iii ads4
非歧视和骚扰政策及申诉程序-第2节. 二世stsv - 219


内容 任何由学院制作的书面或视觉传达. 这也可以包括 通讯并非由学院制作,但由学院共享.

社交媒体 This refers to computer-based technology that facilitates the communication of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities 学院和其他学院之间的关系.

TCC社交媒体账号 This is the official representation of the College using an online social media account 代表官方TCC业务.

用户 This is any person who is and who is not associated with the College and interacts 拥有学校的社交媒体账号.



1. Under this policy, the following is not allowed on any TCC社交媒体账号s 并将隐藏在公众视野之外:

  • 1.1. 与工作相关的信息可能会危及TCC的商业惯例,学生 privacy and security, or organizational security (see 信息 Technology Security 政策);
  • 1.2. 可能损害学生隐私或侵犯学生隐私的与学生有关的信息 FERPA(见隐私政策);
  • 1.3. 对个人或团体的贬损、歧视或煽动性言论 individual’s race, age, disability, religion, ethnicity, national origin, physical attributes, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran’s/ military status, or health condition; Vulgar, profane, profanity, threatening or harassing language and 图片(见《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》和《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》).
  • 1.4. Name-calling of individuals or calling out departments in a threatening or harassing 方法(见学生行为准则和不歧视政策).
  • 1.5. Copyrighted or trademarked information (see Copyright policy); or
  • 1.6. 任何种类或性质的机密或专有信息.
  • 1.7. Illegal activity or encouragement of illegal activity (see Code of Student Conduct 及《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》政策)
  • 1.8. 威胁或人身攻击(见学生行为和非歧视准则) 政策)
  • 1.9. 请勿将本网站用于个人或商业利益或为自己谋利; 任何其他个人或外部机构(见《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》). 例外可能 be granted if request is vetted with Marketing and Communications and aligns with TCC的使命、愿景、价值观和战略计划.
  • 1.10. 扰乱学校正常运作的行为,包括但不包括 limited to behaviors that are disorderly, breach of peace or aiding, abetting or procuring 另一人破坏宁静(见《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》).

2. 使用条款

    • 2.1. 员工可以在部门级运营社交媒体账户 associated with the College: employees must receive authorization for such use with 这个部门.
    • 2.2. 该部门必须拥有所有TCC的密码和管理员权限 social media 账户 and must be made aware of any changes to passwords or 账户.
    • 2.3. 本署保留解散或暂停本署正厅级会员资格的权利 online 账户 based on these guidelines:  If the online account is not actively used within six months; and/or not following policy guidelines and procedures.
    • 2.4. Employees should follow de minimus rules if using College computers for personal 使用社交媒体. 如果员工参与了一项包括TCC工作的任务 social media account, they may use work time and work computers for TCC social media 账户. An employee's use of state resources is de minimus only if each of the following 条件满足(WAC: 292-110-010):
    • 2.4.1. 这对国家来说几乎没有成本;
    • 2.4.2. 任何使用都是短暂的;
    • 2.4.3. 不经常使用; 
    • 2.4.4. The use does not interfere with the performance of any state officer's or employee's 公务; 
    • 2.4.5. The use does not compromise the security or integrity of state property, information 系统或软件; 
    • 2.4.6. The use is not for the purpose of conducting and outside business, in furtherance 私人雇佣的,或实现私人经济利益的; 
    • 2.4.7. 使用不是为了支持、促进利益或征求 外部组织或团体. 
    • 2.5. 学院致力于培养一个教育环境,允许 根据美国宪法第一修正案,美国公民享有言论自由.S. 宪法. However, the College will not tolerate content on an official TCC社交媒体账号 被宣布为非法、淫秽或诽谤的内容. 学院保留权利 删除TCC社交媒体账户上的这些内容. 
    • 2.6. 学院拥有在TCC社交媒体账户上发布的所有内容. 任何东西 published to a TCC社交媒体账号 should be free of any copyright issues and 适合于公共机构的. 用户应该直接询问有关版权的问题 向本署提供的内容. 
    • 2.7. 侵犯学院版权的用户将被采取行动. 如果你注意到 social media 账户 representing themselves as the College or using College branding 未经许可,请与本署联络.
    • 2.8. For class curriculum or for student projects that use online computer communication 工具(博客、社交媒体、网站等.),如有下列情况,教职员应通知本系 学生们在他们的项目中使用学校的标志或名称. 关于 online representation of the College, including the use of logos or the college name, (见可接受使用政策8a).

3. 新的TCC社会媒体帐户请求 

  • 3.1. TCC部门要求提供社交媒体账户,比如脸谱网页面, shall consult with 这个部门 to determine if that is the appropriate vehicle.
  • 3.2. All content on TCC社交媒体账号s will comply with accessibility requirements. 该部将确保社交媒体内容的可访问性.
  • 3.3. All TCC社交媒体账号s must comply with approved College branding standards. 请与本署联络.

4. 学生、教职员工和社区成员的照片和视频

  • 4.1. 请告知受试者,他们的照片可能会被发布在社交媒体上. 一个外部 sign that notifies audiences that photos are being taken for 使用社交媒体 can 显示以获得足够的通知. 尊重所有提出要求的人的意愿 identifiable images to not be used, or that identifiable images be removed from an 在线平台.
  • 4.2. The College makes every effort not to post identifiable images of minors without 父母书面同意书. 然而,未成年人可能会不经意地出现在人群镜头中 在公共场合,比如毕业典礼和体育赛事上. 在认识到 impossibility of excluding all minors from all photos, we ask that College social media managers make a good faith effort to avoid posting identifiable images of minors 没有父母签字同意.
  • 4.3. 某些类别的学生,如学生运动员,OSE学生领袖,和 students from some academic departments, sign photo releases as part of their registration 过程. 如果有问题,请向部门和/或活动的指导老师或领导咨询 你有关于照片发布状态的问题.

5. 违反政策者的流程

  • 5.1. 教职员及/或学生:
    • 5.1.1. 当部门确定用户评论违反此政策时, the department will hide the comments and take the following steps with staff and/or 学生:
    • 5.1.2. After the first violation by a commenter, the commenter will be provided notice 违规的原因和评论被删除的原因.
    • 5.1.3. 在评论者第二次违规后,评论者将被通知 of the violation and the appropriate authority will be notified – HR for employees and Student Conduct Administrator for students and/or BIRT (Behavioral Intervention 响应团队).
    • 5.1.4. 在第三次违规后,评论者将收到违规通知 并将被禁止在TCC社交媒体账户上发表评论30天. HR and/or Student Conduct Administrator and/or BIRT (Behavioral Intervention Response 团队)将会收到通知.
    • 5.1.5. 对于代表的TCC员工,这些措施将受规定的约束 谈判达成的协议.
  • 5.2. 对于非学生和/或不隶属于TCC的员工:
    • 5.2.1. After the first violation by a commenter, the commenter will be provided notice 违规的原因和评论被删除的原因.
    • 5.2.2. 在评论者第二次违规后,评论者将被通知 of the violation and will be suspended from commenting on TCC社交媒体账号s 30天.
    • 5.2.3. 在第三次违规后,评论者将收到违规通知 并将被禁止在TCC社交媒体上发表评论一年.
  • 5.3. 上诉
    • 5.3.1. 员工可以对被TCC社交媒体除名的决定提出上诉 在事件发生后10天内以书面形式向人力资源部和部门说明.
    • 5.3.2. A student can appeal of decision of being removed from a TCC社交媒体账号 with the Student Conduct Administrator and department by written notice within 10 事件发生日期.
  • 5.4. 对于违反政策的评论
    • 5.4.1. TCC保留根据具体情况延长封禁时间的权利 TCC社交媒体账户上发布的内容.